Sunday, 21 April 2013

Fabric Fusion

Fabrics, colour and decorating - that's what we love!!!!

Fabrics to finish, trims to tantalise, bits and bobs from here, there and everywhere.  What excitement, what a flourish....Everyone loves it!!!!

Yes, Miraje Home has just expanded through to the "cafe" next door, affectionately known as "cafe 401".  We have relocated the fabric library from the back area of Miraje Home to its new home, highly visible on Bloomfield Street.  An impressive fabric and furnishing showroom has evolved, behind, our new workroom is buzzing with creative activity.

Now, with plenty of room we are in heaven, wrapped up in hundreds of fabric samples, metres of fabric, extraordinary cushions and endless decorating solutions.  The reality of bespoke home couture is at your fingertips.  Selected WILSON Fabrics are now at greatly reduced prices.

Live what you love.

We would love you to stop by and see our new space, and let us help you bring your 'Material pursuits' to life!